Tuesday, May 16, 2006

This guy is PURE comedic genius. It's unfortunate that many of you do not know who he is and even more unfortunate that he recently passed away on March 30, 2005. Here is a link of what claims to be the largest video collection of Mitch's performances on the Internet.
However, I would also ask that you go to the iTunes music store and download his Comedy Central special, which is listed under TV shows. This special can also be found on the above link, but you should have it permanently on your iPod or whatever media device you have. It is undoubtedly the funniest stand-up routine that I HAVE EVER SEEN.
For those that do know who he is, and lesser so, for those that don't, below is a short bit, that is right now, my favorite of his:
"I bought a donut and they gave me a receipt for the donut. I don't need a receipt for the donut - I'll just give you money and you give me the donut. End of transaction. We don't need to bring ink and paper into this. I can't imagine a scenario in which I would need to prove that I bought a donut. Some skeptical friend? "Don’t even act like I didn't buy a donut, I've got the documentation right here. Oh wait, it's back home in the file... under 'D', for donut."
I'd be remiss to not credit my boy Style for introducing me to Mitch on our plane ride to my bachelor party in New Orleans a few weeks ago. It was on Style's video iPod that I first witnessed this PURE comedic genius.
Mitch, you'll live on with us forever and I can only hope that new material of yours continues to appear similar to Tupac and Biggie.
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Jumpin' Jerseys

It will be interesting to see how the NFL rules on the proposed modificiation to the jersey numbering system as requested by the Reggie Bush Camp.
In 1973, the league crafted a numbering system so officials could better recognize players by their positions. Quarterbacks are allotted Nos. 1 through 19. Running backs wear Nos. 20 through 49, and wide receivers and tight ends wear Nos. 80 through 89.
Although Bush has worn No. 5 since high school, NFL rules do not permit running backs to take that number. In fact, in 2004, Edgerrin James unsuccessfully petitioned for No. 5, the number he wore at the "U".
For comparision, the NBA rules USED TO BE that numbers 1 & 2 were illegal as was any number greater than 5. The reason was that officials have five fingers on each hand with which to signal to the scoring table (a) the number of the player who committed the foul and (b) 1 0r 2 fingers to indicate the number of free throws. Obviously that has since changed as evidenced first by Dennis Rodman (#91), and now among others, Drew Gooden (#90), Ron Artest (#93) and Tracey McGrady (#1).
Will the NFL follow suit??
I first thought yes, they definitely will because it will be a source of additional revenue, but then I thought why would that create additional revenue? Jerseys will be bought whatever number he wears. So then I'm thinking no, they won't, being that the NFL has long been an acronym for the No Fun League and combining that with the recent rumors of the league's desire to do away with the touchdown dances of late.
As Commissioner Tagliabue enters his final year as the Commish, perhaps this will be one of his lasting policies to remain in-place. Actually, given Paul's recent actions at the draft, I am now leaning towards no change in the NFL numbering system. For those that didn't see or don't watch as closely as I do, what happened was as #1 pick Mario Williams was afixing his new Houston Texans lid tight over his head, the Commish obtrusively tilted Mario's cap upward in preparation for the standard photo opp so that you could see Mario's face. It really was classic.